Sunday, November 14, 2010

So you have said your shahada, what now?

Congratulations! Mash'Allah (As God has willed it to be)!

So, there are some things that you may want already, to learn how to pray is generally one of the first things. If you are female, you might be interested in learning about hijab. Salat, or prayer is probably one of the most important things to learn.

Many Muslims will be very interested in the story of how you came to Islam. And usually its a way to connect with your community, it feels good to have so many people interested in you. But a reminder, just as before you became Muslim, choose your friends wisely. Follow your gut. If you feel like someone is trying to use you, they probably are. While Islam is the perfect religion, Muslims are not perfect.

One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give to new Muslims, do not get married right away. As with any major change in life, give yourself some time. Time to get adjusted. Time to get to know people. Time to get to know your religion, your community. People are going to try to get you to get married, say that a Muslim husband or wife will help you to learn your deen. But this is not the best way to learn your deen. The best way to learn your deen is through yourself. And through others, but husbands and wives should be on equal footing, not one a teacher over the other. So be careful!

I am going to look around for some links for prayer. But one of the best books I have found is Salat: From A to Z, it also comes with a CD to help.

1 comment:

  1. That is one thing I have noticed with Islam is there seems to be an emphasis on communal learning. Not much of a Priest/Layman mentality just everyone being a community together on equal footing, a sort of "All are equal before God" thing.
